They remain inside their former houses in one spot crying in a nearly identical fashion to that of an actual child. Whether screamers are a mutation of the Harran Virus that only affect children or if all infected children become screamers by default is unknown, though it is speculated that the latter is the case, and that their fearful behavior is a result of a child brain's fight response being much less developed compared to its flight response, in contrast with adults. If Crane uses a special action to subdue a screamer, he will cradle the screamer in his arms calm it back down into crying like before startled, before proceeding to snap its neck. When startled, their scream seems to be one of absolute horror. When not startled by a human, they are heard crying in very much the same way a still-human child would under extreme duress. Screamers do not exhibit aggressive behavior, instead seeming to be in an eternal state of fear. Presumably, Screamers will not wander out of the houses they're discovered in to join the general populace of infected. The player will also continuously take low but progressive amounts of damage if within its screaming range.

Screamers are infected children whose screams disorient the player's vision and renders them unable to fight, as well as drawing in numerous other infected.